Technical Programme


11 IKC Technical Programme now available. 
Click on buttons below and click on abstract number to download the respective PDF.  



Click on button below to download the ZIP file of all Long Abstracts.




Short Abstract submission now closed

11 IKC invites submissions for oral and poster presentations that align with the following six conference scientific themes which reflect current and future academic and industrial interest in kimberlites and diamonds.

11 IKC Scientific Themes

1. Emplacement and Economic Geology of Kimberlites and Related Magmas 
2. The Diamond Substrate - Petrology and Geochemistry of Earth's Mantle 
3. Geology and Gemmology of Diamond 
4. The Origin and Evolution of Kimberlites and Related Magmas 
5. Diamond Deposits - Exploration and Mining 
6. The Structure of Cratons 

11 IKC Scientific Themes Convenors (in alphabetical order)

Stephen Foley (Macquarie University)
Casey Hetman (SRK Consulting)
Rob van der Hilst (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Jarek Jakubec (SRK Consulting)
Philip Janney (University of Cape Town)
Alan Kobussen (Rio Tinto)
Oded Navon (Hebrew University)
Tom Nowicki (Mineral Services Group)
Graham Pearson (University of Alberta)
Alexander Proyer (University of Botswana)
Roberta Rudnick (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Thomas Stachel (University of Alberta)

11 IKC Opening Keynote

As part of the celebration of the “50 Years of Diamonds in Botswana”, there will be an Opening Keynote: 

Prospecting History Leading to the Discovery of Botswana’s Diamond Mines:
From Artifacts to Lesedi La Rona

Dr. Michiel de Wit 
(Tsodilo Resources (Pty) Ltd., Maun, Botswana and University of Pretoria, South Africa)

An Orapa AK1 kimberlite discovery pit with the De Beers exploration geologists Jim Gibson, 
Manfred Marx and Gavin Lamont in the foreground (left to right). Orapa became Botswana's first 
diamond mine Image: Michael Brook. 

11 IKC Scientific Theme Keynotes

The scientific programme will include six invited keynote addresses by leading international experts introducing each of the above conference scientific themes. 

1. Emplacement and Economic Geology of Kimberlites and Related Magmas 
Kimberlites  from Mantle to Mine
Barbara Scott Smith (Scott-Smith Petrology Inc. and University of British Columbia, Vancouver)

2. The Diamond Substrate - Petrology and Geochemistry of Earth's Mantle
The birth, growth and ageing of the Kaapvaal subcratonic mantle
Gerhard P. Brey (Frankfurt University, Frankfurt)

3. Geology and Gemmology of Diamond
Fluid-rich microinclusions in diamonds open windows to large mantle processes
Yaakov Weiss (Lamont-Doherty Observatory, Columbia University, New York)

4. The Origin and Evolution of Kimberlites and Related Magmas 
Olivine zoning and the evolution of kimberlite systems
Andrea Giuliani (KiDs, University of Melbourne and Macquarie University, Sydney) 

5. Diamond Deposits - Exploration and Mining 
a. Exploration – Mini-Keynote
Advanced statistical classification techniques for diamond indicator minerals
Alan Kobussen (Rio Tinto, Melbourne)
b. Mining – Mini-Keynote
Mining For Diamonds – History and Present
Jarek Jakubec (SRK Consulting, Vancouver)

6. The Structure of Cratons
Construction and destruction of some North American cratons
Dave Snyder (Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada), 
Gene Humphreys (University of Oregon) and Graham Pearson (University of Alberta)


Importantly, each presentation should comprise original and previously unpublished scientific content. Each conference delegate is limited to submit as presenting author a maximum of two abstracts, which may be for either 

(i) one oral and one poster, or 
(ii) two poster presentations.

Preference for inclusion in one of the six conference scientific themes listed above has to be indicated at the time of submission. The selection and acceptance of both oral and poster presentations will be at the discretion of the 11 IKC Technical Programme Sub-Committee chaired by Thomas Stachel and Graham Pearson of the University of Alberta, Canada. The selection procedure will be based on 500 word Short Abstracts that will not be published. The Short Abstracts must be submitted via the 11 IKC online submission system which opens on 12 September 2016. The deadline for receipt of the Short Abstracts is 03 January 2017. 

Requests for oral and/or poster presentation(s) must be accompanied by a short abstract. There will be a non-refundable submission fee for each abstract of US$45. The submitting (presenting) author must have paid at least the 10% non-refundable deposit on the full delegate registration prior to submission. Short Abstracts are limited to 500 words and should be clear, concise and written in English. No figures or tables should be included. Preliminary notification of abstract acceptance (or rejection) will be sent by 01 February 2017. Payment of full registration fees for each accepted (presenting) author are required by 01 March 2017. 

Initial notification of allocation of oral or poster presentations will be sent by 15 March 2017. Final acceptance of each presentation will be subject to receipt of a 3 page Long Abstract. The title and authors of the Long Abstract should be the same as the Short Abstract. The deadline for receipt of the Long Abstract via the 11 IKC online submission system is 15 May 2017. There will be no fee for long abstract submission. We recommend that each Short and Long Abstract is carefully compiled and thoroughly checked by all authors. There will be no final short abstracts. Final Acceptance of each presentation will be sent by 01 June 2017. 

Abstract Deadlines and Submission

The abstract deadlines are as follows: 

Short Abstract Submission Opens: 12 September 2016 
Short Abstract Submission Extended: 13 January 2017 
Preliminary Short Abstract Acceptance: 01 February 2017
Payment of Full Delegate Conference Registration Due: 01 March 2017
Initial Oral or Poster Presentation Notification: 15 March 2017  

Long Abstract Submission Opens: 15 March 2017 
Long Abstract Submission Closes: 15 May 2017 

Oral / Poster Presentation Final Confirmation:01 June 2017

As in previous kimberlite conferences, the Long Abstracts will be made available to delegates at, or before, the conference. 

Oral Sessions

In keeping with a long-standing tradition of kimberlite conferences, there will be single oral sessions on each of the five days of the conference (Monday to Friday; no concurrent or parallel sessions). The main orals will be 15 minutes in length plus an additional 5 minutes for discussion and changeover. The new upgraded “projection” system for 11 IKC will consist of a single active LED screen that is 6 meters wide and 4 meters high. This screen ratio is suitable for the new 16:9 widescreen format in PowerPoint. Slides in the classical 4:3 format will, however, fit equally well.

All persons giving an oral presentation are required to submit a full manuscript to be considered for publication in the 11 IKC Proceedings Volume. 

The lecture room and audio individuals are sponsored by Debswana.


Poster Sessions

All posters will be on display for the entire week of the conference (Sunday to Friday) with dedicated poster sessions Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from approximately 4pm. Each poster board is 1.95m wide and 0.95m vertical and thus the posters need to be landscape orientation. The method of attachment is push pin. Posters deadlines are: 

Installation: After 13:00 Sunday 17 September 2017; before 12:00 Monday 18 September 2017
Removal: Before 14:00 Friday 22 September 2017

The poster room is sponsored by Gem Diamonds.



As with past conferences, all persons giving an oral presentation are required to submit a full manuscript which will be considered for publication in the 11 IKC Conference Proceedings Volumes in the well-known international journal Mineralogy and Petrology, published by Springer.  All persons accepted for poster presentations are encouraged to also submit full manuscripts. 

The manuscript deadlines are as follows: 

Manuscript Submission Opens: 15 August 2017 
Manuscript Submission Ends: 15 November 2017 

Conference Language 

The 11 IKC conference language is English.

Conference Program

The printed conference programme available upon onsite registration will contain details of the technical programme. The programme is being sponsored by Aurora Geosciences.