Financial Support

Financial Support Applications now closed.

International Kimberlite Conferences have a proud history of awarding significant financial support, typically for more than thirty individuals, primarily students, to attend each conference. 

The 11th International Kimberlite Conference is pleased to continue this tradition and consider applications for financial support from graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. Support might also be offered to some retired persons and to young industry geologists subject to the availability of funds. 

 All applicants for financial support must have submitted at least one short abstract as first and presenting author (including the required abstract submission fee) through the 11 IKC online submission system with their request for an oral and/or poster presentation(s). Applicants should also register for the conference by 03 January 2017 (including a 10% non-refundable deposit on the full delegate conference registration fee). Financial support is intended primarily to cover the costs of the following (listed in the order in which they will be awarded):

  1. Balance of 11 IKC Conference Delegate Registration Fee
  2. Accommodation in Gaborone, Botswana
  3. Travel to and from Gaborone, Botswana  

Completed Application Forms should be submitted via e-mail to the 11 IKC Conference Secretariat ( by 03 January 2017.  Documents should be combined into a single PDF file. The application must include a:

  • CV
  • list of publications
  • submitted short abstract(s), and
  • for students a certificate of their academic and/or student status. 

A downloadable Application Form is available here.
The financial support deadlines are as follows: 

Financial Support Request Opens: 12 September 2016 
Financial Support Request Ends: 03 January 2017 
Financial Support Decision Notification: 15 February 2017 

Financial support is sponsored by Dr. Malcolm McCallum and the 8th, 9th and 10th International Kimberlite Conferences 

Dr. Malcolm McCallum